
Plastic Acetate Boxes

Our clear box packaging is sometimes referred to as clear acetate plastic box packaging. The term acetate box is a misnomer, as acetate is not typically used for making clear boxes. Usually, the clear folding carton will be manufactured from PET, the same material as a beverage bottle, or it could be manufactured from PVC. The clear folding cartons can be made using RF (Radio Frequency) scoring for soft, easy to fold creases. Our clear plastic folding cartons (acetate box packaging) are custom made to our client’s specifications and requirements. Our designer will work with you to determine the correct gauge of PET or PVC for your clear plastic box application. With your guidance, they will also find the best type of closure and shape for your clear acetate folding box. It doesn’t have to be just a reverse tuck rectangle: you may want a semi-rigid gable top, or a star-shaped clear package decorated with foil stamping and ribbon—the possibilities are endless!